Thursday, August 29, 2013

Talcum Powder: Making Survival Soft

Baby Powder Talcum Powder for survivalWhile baby powder, also known as talc, might be a bit flowery it can actually be a workhouse when it comes to real-world preparedness and survival.
When you think about all of the infectious agents, harmful bacteria and parasitic pests out in a world laden with the undead, proper hygiene sounds like more than a good idea, it’s a necessity. Luckily for us little things like a bit of talcum powder can go a long way toward keeping clean and keeping critters off your body.
Outliving the undead often means lots of hard work and at least a little bit of running, and the same goes for living through most types of disasters and survival situations. With hard work and heavy exercise often comes sweat… and occasionally rashes. While rashes might just sound uncomfortable, they can actually be breeding grounds for disaster. Rashes often invite infection, which in turn can invite illness and even death. Using a bit of talcum powder on your body, especially in problem areas like the groin, bottom, feet and pits wont just keep you smelling fresh, it can help keep rashes and discomfort at bay… no matter how many Zombies you might be on the run from or what conditions you’re attempting to survive.
In addition to keeping your body healthy and more easily on the move, talcum powder works well as a dry shampoo to get the bugs, grit, grime and grease of everyday survival out of your hair and off your body. When added to clothing and footwear, talcum powder will help reduce the buildup of moisture and prevent not just odors, but fungus as well.
So grab a small 4 oz. container the next time you’re at the store and add it to your Emergency kit, because it’s bound to come in handy for a wide variety of purposes and survival situations.


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