Thursday, August 29, 2013

Beat The Heat With Black Clothing

The Sun is up, there isn’t a cloud in the sky and even the breeze feels hot against your skin. We’ve all been in a similar situation one time or another in our lives. The temperatures rise and there’s nothing we can do but try to beat-the-heat. Fans, AC units, ice water and cold showers help, but what happens when the you’re on the move and lugging an AC unit along with you just isn’t an option?
When it comes to beating-the-heat while you beat your feet, simple things like sticking to the shade and only traveling during the morning and evening hours can only get you so far. Sometimes you’ll need another option, and that option just might be lightweight black clothing.
Contrary to popular belief, black clothing is a more effective way to stay cool than bright whites and other light colors… even in the full sun.
How It Works: Black absorbs heat from both your body and the Sun. A layer of loose-fitting black clothing can create a sort of convection between the cloth and your skin. This causes warm air to rise up and away from the body, while cooler air flows in to replace it and cool you down in the process. It’s basically a super-low-tech form of air-conditioning on the move. The important thing to note is that the clothing must be LOOSE-FITTING to work properly.
Unfortunately, the same good news can’t be said for white clothing, loose-fitting or not. Combined with the fact that white allows radiation from the sun to seep through to your body, it also loses effective conduction whenever a light breeze picks up.
The interesting thing here is that these standard rules of operation have proven to be true across the animal kingdom, being tested specifically on birds with varying colors of plumage, both laid flat (tight-fitting) and fluffed (loose-fitting). This methodology can be seen in use across the globe, from high-heat desert regions in Africa and South America to sun drenched locales in Asia, Australia and more.
So the next time you find yourself on the move in the high heat, you might want to think twice about donning that white t-shirt you’ve got kicking around in your gym bag. Try reaching for a lightweight black-top instead, you’re likely to beat-the-heat a little better than last time.
***Originally posted here.


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