Thursday, August 29, 2013

Stick Together

In times of intense duress or when under attack, many individuals venture out on their own, or threaten to leave organized groups and parties out of fear or if things aren’t done their way. This often means leaving friends, family, fellow survivors and sometimes life-lines behind.
While working alone might sound romantic and hardcore to some individuals and lone-wolves out there, scouting, scavenging, security, basic survival and more can often be accomplished much more easily when there is a bit of teamwork involved. Drawing a dividing line between one another during survival situations like Zombie outbreaks or other major disasters can quickly lead to the detriment or demise of all persons involved. And even though attempting to survive with a group of individuals or even just one other person can be emotionally and physically trying at times, it’s good to know that there is someone there to catch you should you fall… literally or figuratively.
To truly strive and survive in this world or a world infested with the undead, we will have to start working together. … even if we have a different way of getting to the goal at hand.
So stick together as best you can, and don’t just wander off on your own, or you can start considering yourself another Zombie waiting to mindlessly devour whatever comes your way.


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