Thursday, August 29, 2013

DIY Toilet Bombs

WHAT I USE: (for approx. 24 bombs)
--1 1/3 cup Baking Soda amazing for all-natural cleaning AND deodorizing!
--1/2 cup Citric Acid - (low-strength acid that exists naturally in fruits like lemons & oranges)- used in many kitchen & bathroom cleaners for its cleaning, whitening & deodorizing properties
--30 drops Lavender Essential Oil***
--30 drops Peppermint Essential Oil***
--30 drops Lemon Essential Oil*** 
--Medical Mask

*** All three oils I use have great antimicrobial properties and kill odor-causing bacteria PLUS this combo smells heavenly!!!


Since I work with citric acid and baking soda, I always put medical mask first and then mix together soda and acid. After that I put oils in a spray bottle and spray little by little stirring the mixture at the same time in order to not let it fizz away. If the mixture isn't damp enough I add just A TINY BIT of water in my spray bottle and spray the mixture - but again, I try to prevent the acid from fizzing away, because bombs won't explode and will just sink without fizzing if they're too moist.
After that I put the mixture in silicone molds and let them dry for about 6 hours. And then I store the bombs in a container with a lid - don't they look adorable?...I usually drop one in the toilet bowl whenever I feel like it;-) 


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