Thursday, August 29, 2013

Super Glue, Super Useful

Super glue
Most commonly used for piecing together models, making minor repairs and accidentally gluing your fingers together, instant glues like superglue and Krazy glue are also incredibly handy to have around during a survival or disaster situation. Used as a fastener, for making minor repairs, medical treatment and more, a small tube of superglue can go a long way to keeping you alive.
Many super glues set extremely fast and provide an incredibly high bond strength on nearly all plastic, rubber materials, ceramic, wood and other organic materials. If you need a quick fix that will hold up to serious use and abuse, superglue just might be the way to go. Available just about everywhere you look and for just a few dollars, grabbing a few tubes of this miracle mixture won’t set you back financially and when disaster strikes you’ll be glad to have it on hand.
Medical: The claims that superglue was invented as an emergency suture for the battle-field is anything but the truth. However, despite the myth of origin, super glue does work well as an emergency suture and wound closure… externally and for minor injuries only.
Medical glues like Dermabond are often expensive and that can make them inaccessible to some. Commonplace quick dry glues like those mentioned above are safe to use for closing minor wounds or applying “liquid stitches” to non-vital areas like the hands, forearms, fingers and toes. Remember that cleaning wounds is just as important as closing them up. For more information see: Clean Your Cuts.
In addition to sealing up minor wounds, superglue can be used for treating blisters. When applied liberally over a blister, the glue acts as a buffer, kind of like a callous would, to help prevent irritation… just make sure the glue it fully dry before you put your socks back on.
Never use quick-dry glues like this on or near the eyes or mouth, and never use it for dental work. Not only can some glues prove to be toxic and damaging to extra sensitive skin like the eyes, but they can eat away at the enamel on teeth and literally rot your chompers out.
Repairs: Ever useful for sealing the frayed ends of cordage and repairing electronics, glasses, tools, equipment, clothing and more; super glue also works for sealing small cracks in materials like glass, ceramics wood, plastic, rubber and more. Whether you’re gluing a patch in place on your tent, you’re sealing up home base to keep the cold out or you’re putting a critical piece of gear back together, super glue is there for you… as long as you remembered to pack it.
Note: When applied to cotton or wool, quick-dry glues can combust and release toxic smoke.
This readily available and low-cost material can save you a lot of time, money and risk when it comes to making it through the night, Zombie apocalypse or not. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve reached for a tube of this stuff to fix a flat, close a cut or mend a hem. Grab a couple tubes today and be better prepared for tomorrow.


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