Thursday, August 29, 2013

50 Free E Books on Homesteading from 1930s – 1960s

Learn tried-and-true methods of building and maintaining your small farm or homestead from historic US Department of Agriculture books and bulletins.
The University of North Texas provides online editions of thousands of United States government sponsored books and documents. Here's a small sampling of USDA publications from the 1930s through the 1960s. These old works do not show the latest and best methods, but they are still valuable for ideas.

Subjects are:

Adobe or Sun-Dried Brick for Farm Buildings

Bracing Farm Buildings

Chimneys and Fireplaces: How to Build Them

Convenient Kitchens

Dairy-Barn Construction

Earth Roads

Expansible Farmhouses

Farm Buildings from Home-Grown Timber in the South

Farm Dairy Houses

Farm Drainage

Farm Fences

The Farm Garden

Farmhouse Plans

Farmhouse: Split-Level Expansible

Farm Plumbing

Farm Poultry Raising

Farmstead Water Supply

Farm Water Power

Fire-Protective Construction on the Farm

Fires on Farms

Getting Started in Farming

Good Roads for Farmers

Growing and Planting Coniferous Trees on the Farm

Heating the Farm Home

Homes for Birds

Housecleaning Made Easier

How to Build a Farm Pond

Livestock for Small Farms

Managing Farm Fishponds for Bass and Bluegills

Measuring and Marketing Farm Timber

Painting on the Farm

Part Time Farming

Plain Concrete for Farm Use

Poultry Houses and Fixtures

Poultry Raising on the Farm

Practical Hog Houses

Practical Suggestions for Farm Buildings

Protection of Buildings and Farm Property from Lightning

Rammed Earth Walls for Buildings

Selection of Lumber for Farm and Home Building

Seven Ways to Greater Egg Profit

Silos and Silage

Small Concrete Construction on the Farm

Techniques of Fishpond Management

Termites in Buildings

The Use of Logs and Poles in Farm Construction

Weeds and How to Kill Them

The Windbreak as a Farm Asset

***The contents of the University of North Texas Digital Library are made publicly available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Review each manuscript for copyright information. It's your responsibility to use this material according to all applicable terms.


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