Thursday, August 29, 2013

DIY Recipe for Healthy Hair Styling


  • 1 envelope (0.25 oz) Gelatin - its protein strengthens hair
  • 1.5 cups  Hot Water - reduce or increase to change the hold strength of your hair gel
Optional ingredients (choose according to your hair needs):
  • 2 tbsp Lemon Juice/a few drops Lemon oil(will give the gel better shelf life) -helps with dandruff and fungal infections
  • a few drops Lavender Oil - strengthens and heals damaged hair - definitely recommend using it as it will help with unpleasant scent of gelatin
  • a few drops Tea Tree Oil helps with dandruff, fungal infections, slow hair growth and damaged hair (Wow, what a powerful ingredient!) 
  • 1-2 tsp Aloe Vera Gel - helps with dry, damaged hair, as well as with hair loss
  • 1 capsule Vitamin E - helps with hair loss, slow growth and strengthens your hair
I first mix lemon juice with gelatin. Then add hot water and stir very well for about two minutes. After that I add the remaining ingredients and stir for another 3 minutes. Once it's all mixed nicely together, I pour it into a container and put into fridge.


I store the gel in the fridge and whenever I need to use it I just take out a small piece, rub it between my hands to make a solid film. See those lumps on my hand? Make sure you rub enough to get rid of those, cause they will turn into flakes if you just apply it like that on your hair. 
And that's all! I hope you will enjoy your HEALTHY hair styling guys;-))


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