Thursday, August 29, 2013

DIY Under Eye Wrinkle Mask

  • 5 tsp Yogurt
  • 3 tsp  Brown Sugar
  • 1.5 tsp  Vit.C powder (as ascorbic acid) - it's important to have no flavors or colors added to the powder!
  • a few drops of Neroli Oil - one of the most effective anti-aging essential oils, plus it helps with unpleasant yogurt scent (yes, I think yogurt has unpleasant scent;-)


I simply combine all the ingredients together and let the mixture sit to have sugar dissolve (I actually like blending everything together and that makes sugar dissolve much faster). Since I can't store the mask for too long in the fridge, I simply put the amount enough for one week into a container (keep it in the fridge), and then I freeze the rest. One week later I unfreeze one cube and it again lasts me another week - very convenient!:-) 

I cut my cotton pads to fit the under eye area and store them together with that little container in the fridge. 
When I need to use the mask I simply apply some on the cotton pads, and since they stick nicely to your skin, you can easily walk around with them without having to lay down (it will be hard to look down though, so I just usually sit in front of the computer:-) 


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