Thursday, August 29, 2013

Baking Soda, The Survival Tool

Baking Soda
Like many household objects and supplies, baking soda can be put to a multitude of uses during a survival situation. Because of the wide variety and types of uses it works for, it’s important to always have a little of this magic dust on hand.
  1. Antacid for settling the stomach.
  2. Deodorant, applied in powder form to underarms.
  3. Toothpaste, mouthwash, canker sore treatment.
  4. Soap/Body Scrub for decontamination.
  5. Relieve insect bites, bee stings, jellyfish stings, and poison oak/ivy irritation.
  6. Relieve diaper rash, chaffing, and other skin irritations.
  7. Treat heartburn with 1 teaspoon baking soda and one-half glass of water.
  8. Unblock stuffy nose with baking soda in steaming water.
  9. Absorbs radioactive fallout. Applied directly to the skin, baking soda can absorb small amounts of radiation.
  1. Surface scrub for decontamination and cleaning a variety of surfaces. See also: Decontaminating With Bleach
  2. Dish washing component and laundry powder.
  3. Remove odors from shoes, clothes, gear, etc.
  1. Extinguish small fires.
  2. Apply to glass to help repel rain and other moisture.
  3. Scatter around gardens to prevent damage from pests.
  4. Deodorize bathrooms, and latrines.
These are just some of the literally 100s of uses that baking soda can be put to, grab a box, do a little research, and discover just how versatile this amazing powdered prep really is.
Baking soda is an extremely lightweight and cost-effective material, and could easily make life in a post-apocalyptic or post-disaster situation a bit more doable. Check out our other survival and preparedness tips for more simple solutions to ever day survival in an Undead world… not to mention the potential disasters of everyday life.


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