Thursday, August 29, 2013

Homemade Re-hydration Drink

With symptoms ranging from increased thirst to confusion, dizziness, weakness, fainting and more, dehydration is a serious threat and not just during times of disaster. Whether you’re trying to outrun the undead, removing rubble from a fallen building, stacking sandbags, recovering from a flu or fortifying your home against a coming storm, it’s important to stay properly hydrated or it could mean the literal end of your life.
Even though it’s one of the most important things you’ll need to do to stay alive, remaining hydrated is often easier said than done… especially with the undead at your door or when dealing with extremely limited water supplies. With literally hundreds of re-hydration and sports drinks available on the market today it can be difficult to know where to start, who to trust and what really works. The good news is that with just a few household ingredients and a quart of potable water, you can work your way back to proper hydration and health.
Homemade Re-Hydration DrinkThe human body absorbs water pretty well… but not as well as you might think. In fact, when it comes down to it plain old water isn’t always the best option for re-hydration, especially during emergency situations. Sometimes the body needs a boost to get the flow going and this simple Homemade Re-Hydration Drink can do the trick.
Ingredients: This 32oz Homemade Re-Hydration Drink recipe can effectively be halved for minor re-hydration needs, but the full measure is where the real medical and re-hydration benefits are. Carefully measure the following ingredients and mix well, making sure that everything is properly dissolved.
1/2 teaspoon salt (promotes improved water retention and proper pH balance).
1/2 teaspoon baking soda  (balances pH levels and regulates water absorption).
3 tablespoons sugar (provides a source of glucose, energizes the body and helps it retain moisture).
1 quart room temperature water (provides hydration and a vessel for the other components).
Just 1 quart of this surprisingly simple Homemade Re-Hydration Drink can help bring you back from the brink… but that doesn’t mean you should wait until you’re there to grab a glass of water.


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