Thursday, August 29, 2013

Floss, The Unexpected Cordage

Dental FlossFloss, the stuff you should be using to keep your teeth and gums healthy, makes a great addition to medical kits and survival supplies, and not just for it’s use as a dental tool. This cordage is both incredibly strong and reliable for it’s size and weight, allowing individuals to carry and utilize it during just about any situation they might find themselves in…including Zombie outbreaks and attacks.
From fishing line, gear repairs, shelter and weapon/tool construction, and even stitches (non-flavored floss only), a few feet of floss can get you through some pretty rough times when utilized properly. Just like with any cordage, the uses for floss are only limited by you creativity and needs.
Typically speaking, even the cheap poorly waxed variety you find in the checkout lane can be put to use as a survival tool, and at just $2-$3 for a 50 yrd. container, why not have a little on hand? And don’t forget that you can actually get unwaxed floss specifically for medical use.


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