Thursday, August 29, 2013

Getting Started With Your Survival Food Supply

Food Storage

When creating your basic food stockpile, you should always bear in mind a few factors. You want to make sure you have a balanced collection of large meals that take time to prepare and smaller meals that can be prepared with little to no preparation. Take into account your storage area and the amount of space you have readily available. Large items such as rice and grains will take up a lot of space while cans and mason jars can be easily stacked to save space.
You want to make sure you are completely aware of the nutritional values of all your supplies. Having a food supply high in nutrition will ensure you stay healthy during any survival period. Also, keep in mind the shelf life of the food you are purchasing and make sure you are properly rotating your food in order to avoid expiration. Lastly, your food supply should be full of items that quickly sell out within the first 48 hours after disaster has struck.

Looking Back In History
Looking back at previous disasters allows you to create a basic food supply plan, ultimately giving you an idea of what to expect. By analyzing the food items that sell out quickly during disaster situations, you can better prepare your food supply. When a disaster occurs these foods and supplies are sold out in most stores within 24-48 hours and should be included in your emergency supplies.

  • Water
  • Bread
  • Toilet paper, diapers, canned and powdered baby formula
  • Canned and powdered milk
  • Ready to eat foods, dried meats, jerky canned hams
  • Batteries, candles, portable radios and small generators
  • Canned fruits and vegetables, canned soups
  • Cooking oils
  • Honey
  • Coffee and Tea

Of course if you do not eat certain items is does not matter whether you have them or not but the list is merely a starting point to get you thinking about what you will need. You have to assume that once the crisis is upon you that you will not be able to obtain these items. If you need and want them, they must be acquired before the crisis.

Creating different recipes and trying to replicate home cooked meals can be a time consuming and a lengthy process just to stock up on the food that your family wants. If you are just starting and want to learn the basics, it is recommended you start slowly and build up a supply over time being mindful of expiration dates. Because disasters do not happen every day, your emergency supplies may begin to gather dust so you have to rotate your supplies before they expire and replace with new items. Rotating and adding ingredients as you build up your supplies will ensure that you have more than just the basics but can prepare full and substantial meals under any condition.

Foods that require little or no cooking will only carry you so far. After a week of eating out of a can or package, you will want a meal that is hot and prepared. Looking forward to a good meal everyday helps keep people calm, and the process of preparing a meal is something in which everyone can become involved.

Basics You Should Consider Learning
You can improve the quality of your own food supply by learning a few preserving techniques. Learning how to store different items properly is essential and allows you greater variety and you can then to store your favorite recipes. Learning how to bake your own bread will also add variety to your food supply.


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