Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Preparedness should be a life style

I know people whos' idea of preparedness is to buy a one-year supply of food from some company, stack it in the corner of their garage and figure they are prepared. I do not believe this is true preparedness. They probably have never tasted the food and are not aware of its calorie count. Some will be surprised at how quickly they are hungry. Now I will admit that they will be better off than the majority of the population and they are off to a small, yet good start.

To me, preparedness means that you should use the foods and other preps on a regular basis. Now I am not saying that in case of a major disaster our life could not be disrupted. What I am saying is that the more preparedness is a part of your life the less the disruption will affect you. You will develop skills that help you overcome the problems you will face. Don’t just buy preps; stack them in the corner and plan to learn how to use them after the disaster. Do something to better your position every day.

This does not require a lot of money or even time if you make preparedness a part of your life. Dehydrating and preserving food, we get for nothing saves us a lot of money. Skills can be often learned for free and the materials scrounged. Make preparedness a part of your life now, before you need to.


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