Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How to Select a Campsite

Here a few simple rules that will help you.
  • Stay out of low-lying green grassy areas, these will collect water if it rains and the ground may be damp..
  • Camp uphill from streams or rivers. This will protect you from flash floods and sudden rises in water levels created by releases from dams.
  • Look for protection from wind and storms. A rock overhang is a good example.
  • Check the site for poisonous plants, dangers of falling rocks, overhanging branches and animals.
  • Stay back from standing water to avoid insects pests like mosquitoes.
  • Look for a flat place for your bed and campfire.
  • Is there a good source of firewood?
  • Check for food sources, edible plants, animals and fish.
  • Check for the availability of good water.
  • In the winter it will be colder in the bottom of ravines and valleys or near low lying rivers. Camping 20 – 30 feet high can make the difference of several degrees.
  • In times of trouble if you are hiding from someone you may have to break these rules, but use them when you can to have a safe pleasant camping trip.


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