Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Making Homemade Granola

It’s not hard to make, but you have to pay attention during the cooking because it does brown fast. (Burns also) This recipe that I use gives me three cookie sheets full and then I have 3 different varieties. I put different dried fruit in them after I cook it. If you put the fruit in before it will get really hard once it dries.

10 cups of oats (oatmeal, barley, spelt, multi grain or any combination of oats)
4-6 cups nuts almond, walnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seed, what ever you like
1 1/2 cups maple syrup (real maple syrup is too expensive, so use what you desire.
1 cup oil (I used olive oil once, the taste is different-didn’t use again)
1 1/4 tsp salt (optional)
5 tsp vanilla or any flavoring you like better

Mix all the ingredients together. Spread thinly on cookie sheets. Bake for 30 minutes at 325 degrees until lightly browned. YOU NEED TO SET A TIMER FOR 10 MINUTE INTERVALS AND MIX INGREDIENTS UNTIL BROWNED. It will last two months in closed jar.

Ingredients to add:

your choice of raisins, dried apples, pineapple, pears, papaya, cherries, coconut, sunflowers, pumpkin seeds, and you can use spices if you choose. Use your imagination and what you like to eat. Its granola have fun with it.


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